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May 22, 2011

Rakofsky Bad. Defendant Lawyers, 4th Estate & 1st Amendment Good.

See above for my take on the Rakofsky suit. But let's not foul the nest. JR's been covered. Way too much was written by bloggers on the day of and in the days following his murder case mistrial. Way too much was written when his lawsuit filing broke. Quit piling on. Blogosphere is starting to make Rakofsky as a person look truly interesting--if not brave and good--and make us lawyer-bloggers look Small, Prissy, Idle, Low-Rent & Mean. Not ever the goal of writing about him. Interesting and critical things going on in Middle East, Ireland, U.S. Supreme Court, Spain, Libya, China, Vatican, Utah and Hamilton, Ohio. Maybe do some work for Clients? Law Review article? Read about the Mystery Schools? Get some exercise, maybe? Dwarf-Tossing out of doors? Or indoors? Cross-River Gorilla hunting in Western Africa--but with hand guns? By the way, it's not cool to get sued by anyone--even by a bad actor or a duffer. A good, bad, ugly or even very bad American civil law suit from a defense standpoint is expensive, protracted and tough to shut down. No one ever "wins". Once it happens, you don't talk about it. Once you're served, you don't tell everyone you meet about it. Talking, writing and venting post-suit hits already-raw nerves, fans fires, generates unneeded "evidence", virtually ensures a regime of super-expensive discovery, makes co-defendants turn on each other, and stretches out proceedings and pretrial by-play by months and even years.

Pompous_Bastard_by_tannermorrow (1).jpg
Piling on is Low-Rent, Mean-Spirited & Prissy. Move On.

Posted by JD Hull at May 22, 2011 11:59 PM


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