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January 17, 2015
Rep. Paul Ryan: Get it over with.
Is Rep. Paul Ryan (R-Wis)--the 2012 vice-presidential candidate who ran with Mitch Romney--Captain for Life of the World Cup Weenie Patrol, or what? Watched at work today some interviews with him. Poor guy. He should just get it over with. Start wearing cute red jumpers with matching ballet flats to the office. I can't see him as POTUS at all. I can't even see him as Chair of the House Ways and Means Committee, his new gig. Was over at Longworth HOB, my old building on Wednesday and passed the committee's doors, and got to thinking about him as a man and a leader. I worked for both Rs and Ds when I worked on the Hill. I still vote no party line, supporting both Rs and Ds. But I cannot support Ryan for anything based on my gut that he is a seriously weak and spineless guy. Bet you he even types with a lisp.
Posted by JD Hull at January 17, 2015 10:11 PM
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