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December 19, 2014
Big day Sunday for all you pagans in New York, DC, LA and Dublin.
Sunday the 21st is the winter solstice. It has big meanings in science, spirituality, religions and world history and culture. Many scholars believe that winter solstice, in effect, drove the date for celebrating Christmas. The retention of pagan forms and the practicing a newer religion like Christianity at the same time is an historical pattern. Rome is one example. And it certainly takes nothing away from either co-existing faith in matters of worship, spirituality, beliefs or mythology. A good live example of this is in the world today? Catholic Ireland. Things Druid still inform most facets of day-to-day Ireland life. Completely sane Catholics in Ireland still believe in the little people.
Tower Hill, 1957
Posted by Holden Oliver (Kitzbühel Desk) at December 19, 2014 11:59 PM
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