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October 02, 2014

Authentic and American: Ben Bradlee Story #1

Earlier this week we weighed in briefly on the life of former Washington Post managing editor Bill Bradlee, now 93 and ailing. Bradlee served at the Post during a long and often-turbulent period in American history (1968-1991). There are lots of great stories about Bradlee--who was outspoken, forceful, combative and funny. Many highlight verbal or written comebacks Bradlee made to those who made unfriendly or hostile remarks about the Post or him. During a spat with the publisher of another newspaper, Bradlee once wrote:

To the Publisher:

Editors do run the risk of appearing arrogant if they choose to disagree with anyone who calls them arrogant.

You sound like one of those publishers who aims to please his pals in the community and give the what they want.

No one will call you arrogant that way. No one will call you a newspaperman, either.

Source: Vanity Fair, June 6, 2012

Bradlee and Washington Post reporter Bob Woodward circa 1980.

Posted by JD Hull at October 2, 2014 04:31 PM


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