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July 24, 2014
The Potomac Boat Club.
I'm in Washington, D.C. this week. I usually stay on the other side of the Potomac River in downtown Washington. But this week my hotel is in a part of Arlington, Virginia called Rosslyn, a small unincorporated area which is the closest Virginia neighborhood to the heart of The District. My room has a great view of west Georgetown and Georgetown University's Healy Hall. Barely hidden on M Street, which runs parallel to the river, are the iconic long steps used on the movie "The Exorcist". A few hundred feet east down the shore--but also out of the picture--is northern side of the Key Bridge, built in 1923. The building on the shore is the Potomac Boat Club. Established in 1869, it is the oldest rowing club in Washington.
Potomac Boat Club members in 1921. Behind them is the Key Bridge under construction.
Posted by JD Hull at July 24, 2014 02:06 AM
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