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June 13, 2014

Did we all die and go to Hallmark?

"Praise empowers people, criticism intimidates, ignoring confuses."

--Via LinkedIn mail this morning

Died and went to Hallmark. That's the feeling we had when we read this somewhat Orwellian sentence quoted immediately above. A few inches below, you see the cheery declaration again, this time in its original form, and the way it appeared this morning on the happy, positive thumbs-up image. Just two other things. First, we prize solving hard problems for customers. That's what we do. It's what any services provider does. Second, we would never build, and would not feel comfortable spending any time around, a workplace culture that: (1) praised employees for no reason except to make them feel good, (2) withheld criticism (even harsh criticism) from employees to avoid hurt feelings, (3) expected senior people and supervisors to worry about the effect of every word and action on employees, and (4) otherwise put employees ahead of customers.

Have a nice weekend, everyone. Whether you are working or playing, don't hold back.


Posted by JD Hull at June 13, 2014 01:31 PM


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