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May 29, 2014
Much beloved, charismatic, handsome trial lawyer "trained as a spy."
Today I am coming clean with everyone that, during summer breaks at college and law school, I was "trained as a spy". Training took place at government facilities in Durham, North Carolina, Washington, D.C. and Cincinnati, Ohio. Also at a special counterintelligence school operating in downtown Cleveland. There. I said it. That's all I should reveal at this point. I am tired of living this lie. I'll provide some details, and answer questions, in future posts.
Shameful decades-long ruse.
Editor's Note, June 2, 2014: Apparently, we need to disclose that this was a joke. The idea was to diss young Edward Snowden's probably untruthful and certainly grandiose statement to NBC's Brian Williams last week that he was "trained as a spy." We are fond of Snowden but his statement, even if true, was ill-advised. Not enough context and wrong time and place. However, we are advised that, in the years 1982-1986, Hull regularly (i.e., nightly) drank and consorted with a portly male Russian spy at a Georgetown bar called Garrett's. The bar, not the Russian, was named Garrett's. Hull claims he thought that the Russian was just another D.C. drunk.
Posted by JD Hull at May 29, 2014 08:51 PM
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