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May 16, 2014

Early Dog Days in California: Upper-90s with increasing existential dread by Monday.

When you shake what you got, and girl, you've got a lot, you're really somethin', child.

When you're hot you're hot, you really shoot your shot, you're dyn-a-mite, child.

--By Williams Satchell Bonner Jones Middlebrooks Pierce & Beck. Some of the best 70s lyrics ever.

What's the deal with the weather and fires? Can Al Gore explain this? I'm in San Diego this week. Yesterday the temperature here was 100 for a good part of the day. Today it is only 97. Then there are The Fires--which you usually don't have this time of year. The Fires tend to start up in late summer. But the local San Diego press can't get enough of The Fires and every year overhypes fire season. Media here is harshing the SoCal Mellow. Maybe those guys just need more to report about? Or more to do? Another city to cover? Get a band together, maybe.

Hotness, Hype and Hipness in America's finest city.

Posted by JD Hull at May 16, 2014 11:36 PM


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