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February 03, 2014

Losing Our Religion: The End of The Brand?

Branding differentiates a seller's product or service from those of his competitors. Over the weekend at The Economist, Adrian Wooldridge, who writes the magazine's Schumpeter column, wondered aloud whether the Cult of the Brand is rapidly coming to an end. Its newest enemy? The Consumer. See "We Want To Be Your Friend". Excerpt:

But spare a thought for the poor admen. Their industry is going through a particularly difficult time. Not only are they confronting a proliferation of new “channels” through which to pump their messages; they are also having to puzzle out how to craft them in an age of mass scepticism. Consumers are bombarded with brands wherever they look—the average Westerner sees a logo (sometimes the same one repeatedly) perhaps 3,000 times each day—and thus are becoming jaded.


Posted by JD Hull at February 3, 2014 06:02 AM


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