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January 18, 2014
Regarding Nino: Dick-gate?
To bring us up to date on cumulative reaction to the now infamous page 4, lines 10-12 of the SCOTUS transcript in Marvin M. Brandt Revocable Trust v. United States (No. 12-1173), heard by the Supreme Court on the morning of January 14, five gentlemen and mainstay observers of the 225-year-old court--Josh Blackman, Lyle Denniston, Tony Mauro, ATL's Joe Patrice and Scott Greenfield--can be seen variously weighing in on "Dick-gate" if you visit yesterday's Simple Justice and read "No Podium For Weenies", including the links Greenfield provides. Our humble take? It's in the comments, you miserable rubes.
Above: Josh Blackman. Nino's "dick" move or enforcing SCOTUS rules?
Posted by JD Hull at January 18, 2014 11:42 PM
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