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November 12, 2013

The Federal Rules of Civil Procedure: Master Pretrial Coach. North Star. Exalted Teacher. Consigliere.

Yes, "read the rule..." The Federal Rules of Civil Procedure are remarkable and, well, amazing. They vibrate, hum and glow with the hard work of the few who have worked on them over the years. In your first year. Tenth year. Twentieth year. Fortieth year of practice. They are shorter and better (i.e., much easier to grasp) than any non-FRCP-based state counterparts. There are flaws and ambiguities--but precious few. You notice something different every time. You never take them for granted. Look. At. Them. Every. Time. Read the Advisory Committee Notes, too. They, too, are to the point--and lean. Start with the Rule. Read the Note. And Onward.


Posted by Holden Oliver (Kitzbühel Desk) at November 12, 2013 12:13 AM


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