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October 11, 2013
Pantheon: Lisa Kudrow.
A 40-something Vassar grad (B.A. Biology) who can still play youngish lovable ditzes on nighttime TV and in feature films, Kudrow already has won or been nominated for a lifetime worth of Emmys and SAG awards. She comes from a talented and interesting LA-based family (music and medicine) with Russian-Jewish roots. Kudrow's ancestors emigrated from Belarus and lived in the village of Ilya, near Minsk. Her great-grandmother was murdered in the Holocaust. She got into acting late; she worked first as a researcher, and as an anchor/reporter for an ABC affiliate in Texas. For us, her HBO series "The Comeback" was a revelation. Watch for her to soar in the next two decades in dramatic roles. Do add her to our Pantheon. It needs a few more Blondes with Brains, Comedic Timing and Big Moxie--all three out the wazoo.
Posted by JD Hull at October 11, 2013 08:59 PM
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