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September 25, 2013
Normal is crazy enough: Doing business with the Dutch.
Here's a gem we missed in May at Richard Lewis's great Cross-Culture site: "Normal is crazy enough: Four things you need to know about doing business with the Dutch". Excerpt:
Take the law seriously, because the Dutch do. The law is another form of written rules and regulations that need to be taken seriously. The Dutch therefore highly value written contracts, although the system of Dutch law does not require lengthy contracts, like Anglo-American companies tend to draw up. The Dutch love for truth-telling, together with a desire to avoid uncertainty, explains their direct style of communication. They say what they think, what they believe is right or wrong, often unasked for and in clear words, thus coming across as opinionated or rude.
Posted by JD Hull at September 25, 2013 10:24 PM
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