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June 18, 2012

Aldeburgh, England.

More precisely, it's in Suffolk, East Anglia, England, on the coast, and jutting out into the North Sea. Due east: The Netherlands, where lots of the DNA here originated over 1000 years ago (including a dash of my own). Pronounced "All-bruh". I've been there four times, starting in 2003. If you are in London, and you have an extra day, do something different and drive or take a train northeast to Aldeburgh, a Suffolk secret well-kept from Americans. The home and muse of the great Bertie Lomas, a much-loved and gifted poet, writer and editor who died at 87 early last fall. And if you are a beach lover--or a merely a lover of the beach--you and yours would do well to heed the little round stones beneath you.

Aldeburgh Beach-01.jpg

Posted by JD Hull at June 18, 2012 12:59 AM


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