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April 15, 2012
We thought "Unbundling" applied to lawyers was a Hull McGuire term/concept for 15 freaking years but...
...it's good it's out there. It's a team effort, anyway. Ah, hubris. Ego. Pride. And the license for unbridled grandiosity that attends all Anglos, cads, trial lawyers, dreamers, workaholics, the part-Irish and recovering addicts. (Hey, it was. Doing/saying it mixed with brick/mortar context for over 15 years.) But see "Launch of Unbundling Book at ABA Techshow", via our friend and ADR guru Don Philbin. We are so angry about this. May need to call Scott Greenfield or Bennet Kelley for a little IP Justice.
Posted by JD Hull at April 15, 2012 02:49 PM
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