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October 07, 2011
Cultural Literacy for U.S. Execs, Lawyers, Accountants, MDs, Pols & Leaders: If Not Now, When?
Education is about more than getting a job. Cultural literacy and a working knowledge of the world's history and institutions--and even of the West--have not been counted among America's many enviable strengths at any time during our development as a people and a nation. Let's not worry about the reasons--often explained in terms of our relative geographic isolation, drive and opportunism.
Powerful and well-known Americans, executives in leadership positions, respected professionals, politicians, and major stakeholders in commerce continue to be satisfied with becoming, and remaining, in effect, "techs" their entire lives. Can we change that?
If we could, we would astonish, disarm and charm the entire world. Art, literature, the humanities and a sense of historical context aren't just for the rich, the elite or the intellectual. They are the best part of all of us--and they can inform, stir and improve every moment. You say you are doing fine without it? Think again. See "Ernest, the French aren't like you and me."
Posted by Holden Oliver (Kitzbühel Desk) at October 7, 2011 12:59 AM