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January 29, 2011

Chattooga River Cutie: Use Your Real Name on the Internet.


Man up there, Hoss. Pretend you have Balls and Class. Blog and Comment under Your Real Name. You're not Alexander Hamilton, James Madison or an Iranian dissident. So make believe you're over 35, beyond semi-literate, and have the tiniest modicum of self-respect.

You need anonymity because of your job?

In that case, Wendell, you simply don't have a very good job.

But hang in there. Work harder. Get promoted. Or trade up. Spend less time on the Net. With a job that allows you some independence, you can proudly say your piece without fear, embarrassment or angst about financial insecurity.

Well--okay, okay--some rape victims are okay. Certainly, if he were real, Ned Beatty's character Bobby in the movie adaptation of the James Dickey novel Deliverance would be permitted to write in the blogosphere using a pseudonym.

"Chattooga River Cutie", maybe.

Those not in Club Ned? Real name, please. Or don't never come round here no more. 'Hear? Maybe try Above The Law? Scads of male rape victims read and comment there.

Posted by JD Hull at January 29, 2011 03:59 AM


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