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December 06, 2010

New, Appalling: Google-Based Naked Bongo Lawyering For Teacups.

WAC/P? needs to get out more--and bone up on threats to Customers, Clients and Buyers. This development involves marketers, lawyers and the Happysphere. See these posts by Brian Tannebaum at My Law License, this one by Josh Dickinson at Above the Law and finally this one by Scott Greenfield at Simple Justice. Our advice? If you're a social media marketer, don't do anything to mangle or compromise the clients lawyers are already struggling to serve, and often poorly to boot. Try not to make it worse. If you're a lawyer--and especially a new one--work at the Wal-Mart or with street people or retarded children for a while until you earn an opportunity to learn the right way from the right people.

maynard (3).jpg

Posted by JD Hull at December 6, 2010 12:00 AM


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