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November 06, 2010
Stop me before I Twitter Stoned again.
"My name is Holden O.--and I'm powerless over keyboards after 6:00 PM." Hull says that the 1980s version of this was phoning ex-girlfriends or others while intoxicated and talking until they hung up (the "Indian Hill flu", he calls it). Now there's New Age brakes for this sort of thing--sort of: A Social Media Sobriety Test. It's not even (on purpose) a joke. See Scott Greenfield's "If This Helps" at his way-too-sane Simple Justice. Query: Just what is Twittering Success? Not getting arrested or beat up by someone's boyfriend? We don't get it.
Greenfield in late 1990s photo, pre-hunting accident.
Posted by Holden Oliver (Kitzbühel Desk) at November 6, 2010 09:05 PM
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