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May 07, 2010

UK wakes up to hung Parliament.

See AP for what happened and The Guardian for what it means.

Posted by Holden Oliver (Kitzbühel Desk) at May 7, 2010 11:59 PM


essentially what it means it that the country was unable to choose between 3 identical and interchangable morons who were too 'simple' to get a proper job and who each shouted a lot about "change" without actually realising that "change" is one of those things that really really scares people and is aking to running around shouting "vote for me we've got spiders! big hairy malevolent spiders!"

on the upside, it does mean that for a few days the UK government is crippled and unable to get on with the serious business of deciding how much more it should tax un married young litigators to fund universal bus passes

on the downside it probably means that labour will offer literally anything to the lib dems to hold onto power becuase in a hung parliament the incumbent PM gets first dibs on forming a government

the lib dem price is likely to be a move to some sort of PR system which will essentially mean no more conservative majority governments ever in the UK

Posted by: Duncan King at May 7, 2010 05:39 AM

JD--followed the links

proportional representation would rigid England of the Conservatives

what a great idea

what does a Turkey think of Christmas?

what a line

Posted by: John Davidson at May 7, 2010 11:43 AM

What do GeekLawyer and Charon think?

Posted by: Holden Oliver at May 7, 2010 02:12 PM

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