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January 14, 2010

More on law schools providing value some day and hopefully before we all die.

Or, "You Got Anyone On That Campus Who Can Chew Gum, Cite-Check, And Look You In The Eye At The Same Time?". We note that practical skills are being mentioned more in writings about law school education. Bravo. Show us. We're tired of wasting our money.* Last month we wrote about American law schools--and this time only a few people complained. More recently we noticed these: "Problems in the law school 'business plan'" at From Burke to Kirk and Beyond, which shares a few things in common, mostly good, with this blog, and "The changing face of the early stages of law practice" at Libertas et Memoria, which comments on the recent ABA story about a possible new premium placed on practical skills that got us so excited we forgot to fire people last Friday.

Finally, an interesting excerpt from FBTK:

Law schools will be the last to abandon speculative debt as the means of financing themselves through their willing applicants, because a very large number of applicants are smarty-pants who couldn't make it as scientists, engineers, bankers, financiers, etc. The applicant doesn't realize how speculative his investment is until he is one to four years in.

*WAC? could care less about student debt. Your problem, Teacups. Don't any of you have family money? Enrique, would you be good enough to decant the Port? Kindly leave the bottle as well.

Posted by JD Hull at January 14, 2010 11:44 PM


Decant the Port? If the Port is decanted, then there would be no reason to leave the bottle as the Port would be in the decanter, the bottle containing only the dregs. Does Enrique know better than to serve a poseur?

Posted by: shg at January 14, 2010 02:11 PM

We wanted him to leave both. The poseurs wished to drink from the bottle.

Posted by: Hull at January 14, 2010 02:47 PM

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