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September 14, 2009

Lawyering: It's a constant barrage of small--but powerful--ads.


Keeping in mind--or not keeping in mind--the germ of our annoying "Rule Six"? It's the difference between achieving a robust higher-end corporate law practice and getting a job scraping barnacles off your ex-partner's new yacht.

Free ones, too. If you are working for a client, you are marketing. See "Rule Six: When You Work, You Are Marketing". Every moment your law firm "works for a client"--it sends the client something, it sends an e-mail, it talks with the client, it does virtually anything for or about that client that the client knows about or should know about--the firm transmits a small but powerful ad. The client notices then and there. From our annoying-but-correct 12 Rules.

Posted by JD Hull at September 14, 2009 11:59 PM


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