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June 05, 2009

John Arthur Carradine (1936-2009)

One of us, if you grew up in the 1960s-1970s. Forget about Shane and Kung Fu, which likely embarrassed him. A brilliant guy from a celebrated acting family of three generations: the New Age Barrymores. Way meaner, edgier, smarter and tougher than Cole Younger, who he played in the James-Younger Northfield raid saga. Eldest son, Alpha male, part-Beat, part-Hip. Seeker. He didn't care what you thought.

David Carradine was on a short list of people who got right to the point--and told you the brutal truth. Authentic. A non-wimp's evil answer to Phil Donahue. Could not be bothered with trendy people, weenies, hedgers or metro-sexuals--or anyone else who forgot who they really are. AP: "Actor David Carradine found dead in Bangkok."


Posted by JD Hull at June 5, 2009 04:32 PM


Dude, I won't forget about Kung-Fu!

Posted by: Dan Harris at June 4, 2009 08:55 PM


Posted by: Ray Ward at June 4, 2009 10:10 PM

I'm pretty sure you "forget who you really are" when you're about to pass out and [attain sexual Shangri-La] at the same time.

Posted by: Girt at June 5, 2009 05:54 AM

Only if at Kelly's Irish Times Saloon, where that's routine.

Been wondering, and re: not knowing who you are:

1. Why is it that so many frequent and regular commenters--to this blog and others, in both US and Europe--don't have the courage or self-respect to use their real name?

2. No spine: an industrial accident, maybe?

3. And so they dress no-sand up as "privacy"? That it?

4. Or are these "people" just slaves/peasants who constantly worry about losing their jobs?

5. I really want to know: How brave do you have to be in the blogosphere? Anonymity--what purpose other than a declaration of:

"Hi, I'm a nothing. But here's what I really think"?

Posted by: Hull at June 5, 2009 06:16 AM

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