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March 16, 2009
A moving tribute to the Human Spirit.
And to drunkenness, madness, small animals, the secret Ree-Lax Parlor in DC's West End, "dooce"-bags, Kelly's Irish Times Saloon, Ruthie, and far more deplorable pleasures of the flesh. Enough to curl Freud's hair. To make a blind man see. To send a Good Man straight to Hell laughing about it. Some really sick stuff--especially if you're from Elkhart, Indiana. Slick, too. It's rendered under a cheap, transparent pretext and gloss of Art, Literature and The Classics. Long. Larry Flynt and Madonna were each too freaked out and flustered to get through the whole thing.
Well-written, though. Very.
In short, Blawg Review this week does not disappoint. It is the real Barrister-Prince of Darkness in rare form--even for him. But there are far more unsettling things in this world than a London Lawyer messing with you: reading the books of Mormon or Revelation for the first or twentieth time, an hour in any Target store, or watching American lawyers employed by insurance companies (their real clients, as they see it) argue discovery motions on Fridays in courts all over and knowing they will get paid for it.
So in perspective, but still out of its head, GeekLawyer's Blawg Review #203 is wonderfully eccentric, even revolting, but it hits home, and (gulp) it's dang funny, if you have any sense of the English: XXX-rated, in campy vile taste, and arguably pregnant with a new industry of actions for defamation, slander per se and false light privacy that will pump new life into any lulls currently experienced by First Amendment lawyers in New York, DC and LA.
Just kidding. In your button-down lawyer world today, you may behold offensive movies, "bad" pictures, "bad" language, the F-word all over the place, by golly. If you are appalled, don't read it all, dog. Bonus Badness: it will set back trans-Atlantic relationships about 50 years.
Southern Brits: a quirky but sick race. We've tried to tell you.
Posted by Holden Oliver (Kitzbühel Desk) at March 16, 2009 10:14 PM
I treasure your reviews young Holden. Am slightly shaken by my inability to offend you. With Hull it's easy: suggest helping the poor & pro-bono - always starts a fight; but you? not got that figured: yet.
Posted by: Geeklawyer at March 16, 2009 07:09 AM
I work with Dan. I lived in Western Pennsylvania for a summer. I spent an hour once in the Salt Lake airport--where most of the male faces I saw looked exactly alike. I just turned 40. Nothing much shocks me.
Posted by: Holden Oliver at March 16, 2009 01:23 PM
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