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February 03, 2009
February's Carnival of Trust
We know--it sounds like you died and went to Hallmark. But the Carnival of Trust is excellent, conceived and guided by revered and famous minds. Even surly WAC? jumped at a chance to get involved with COT later this year. This month it's hosted by Ian Brodie, a consultant based just south of Manchester in England's Northwest, at his Sales Excellence. One post featured is "Belligerence Kills", at Sales Loudmouth by Tim J. M. Rohrer, and it's instructive. But Belligerence, as an instinct, is instructive, too. Belligerence is also Good. Be belligerent. Very American. Irish, too. You have to listen to It.
Belligerent Gallic chieftain Vercingetorix surrenders to Caesar, 52 BC.
Posted by Holden Oliver (Kitzbühel Desk) at February 3, 2009 08:01 PM
Hi WAC gang. You guys should come over to Manchester some day. Meet the local scallies - they're the definition of belligerence. You'd love 'em.
Really enjoying looking at some of your back issues. One of the bonus side-effects of editing the Carnival was discovering lots of really insightful blogs I'd not seen before.
Posted by: Ian Brodie at February 4, 2009 06:49 PM
Ian--I was in Manchester in Fall last year on business--and then up to Lake District to attend a London lawyer's wedding. About 3 days total--hadn't been there in a while. Still Moxie City. I love the "2nd City" attitude. Tough tough people. They think London is for lightweights. Kind of like our Philly. Or New Jersey.
Posted by: Hull at February 4, 2009 07:07 PM
I think Vercingetorix was Gallic, rather than Gaelic. Close-ish relations maybe, but not the same AFAIK.
Posted by: Fergus O'Rourke at February 14, 2009 05:47 AM
Sir: You are right; we we're wrong. We'll correct it.
Posted by: Hull at February 14, 2009 02:41 PM
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