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November 01, 2008

Underground in Buenos Aires.

The first time I went to Buenos Aires was seven years ago. I was bowled over and charmed silly by my host and IBLC friend of 10 years, the talented Daniel Roque Vitolo--who it seems everyone all over the world knows, and who knows everyone--and also by the spirit and physical beauty of the people. Yes. Color me shallow, but the humans who live in the city are both engaging and gorgeous. The second time I went, I wanted to live and work there--with thoughts of perhaps breeding a bit in my spare time, and certainly eating only beef three meals a day. If I go a third time, I may not make it back to the States. Yank lawyer Evan Schaeffer of The Legal Underground is there now with his family (and law firm) for a month-long stay in this thoroughly cosmopolitan city. Don't miss his reporting and photography. Yesterday was Part 6. Bravo, sir, you captured the excitement of you and yours in the City of Borges.


E. Schaeffer photo: Recoleta

debriefer marina palmer buenos aires.jpg

D. Hull: Mystery Person, Spring 2002

Posted by JD Hull at November 1, 2008 11:13 PM


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