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September 29, 2008
LinkedIn and Xing as "Facebook for Suits."
This week's The Economist: there are now 35 million members between LinkedIn and Xing. WAC? and some HMPC lawyers were early joiners. Our reasons were not compelling. They were: "Well, why not?"; as courtesy to those who asked us to link to them; it didn't take much time to join; and no public profile was required. We're still impressed with the overall set-up--but we still don't quite get it. Like most firms that solve problems for money, we already have a network of fine business lawyers, consultants, mover-shakers, influential people and other aggressive humans and their shops to help large and publicly-traded clients in Europe, the Americas and Asia; we'd like to use these kind of sites to supplement it. So:
1. What do we do now?
2. How do "facebooks for suits" help clients?
3. What about quality control?
"Justin, thanks for the recommendation on LinkedIn. Do I know you?"
(Photo: Warner Bros.)
Posted by JD Hull at September 29, 2008 03:09 PM
I like Legal OnRamp. I blogged about it here:
Posted by: Stephanie at September 29, 2008 08:31 AM
Legal OnRamp is in a class by itself. So no argument there. Dan's post was about the cuter hugs-and-kisses-whaddup sites for older suits and generic dweebs--i.e., people like Dan.
Posted by: Holden Oliver at September 29, 2008 11:12 AM
And who gave you permission to use my photo? Oops. That's George Clooney. Never mind.
Posted by: shg at September 30, 2008 06:19 AM
I liked LinkedIn because it allows me to keep track of all my peeps in one place. And who gave you permission to use my photo? Oops. That's George Clooney. Never mind.
Posted by: Dan Harris at September 30, 2008 11:18 PM
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