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September 01, 2008
An old London labour: law student as critic, lover.
At Bayswater Road, near Westbourne Gate, not far from Notting Hill, it's not American Labor Day. Brits are working. Me, too. We send you the complete text of a circa-1595 comedy by Shakespeare, here, on one page, to read after the weenie roast. First performed before Queen Elizabeth at her Court in 1597 (as "Loues Labors Loſt"), it was likely written for performance before culturally-literate law students and barristers-in-training--who would appreciate its sophistication and wit--at the Inns of Court or Legal London. Interestingly, it begins with a vow by several men to forswear pleasures of the flesh and the company of fast women during a three-year period of study and reflection. And to "train our intellects to vain delight".
Posted by JD Hull at September 1, 2008 11:55 PM
You posted a link to Gray's Inn?! How embarrassing. Everyone knows Gray's s**k.
You should have used my dear Alma Mater Lincoln's: http://www.lincolnsinn.org.uk/ Please
Posted by: Geeklawyer at September 1, 2008 01:17 AM
Yeah, I know Lincoln's. Show Tunes. Diamond Tiaras on Saturdays. Riding home with the milkman at 4 AM. Poof Central, dude. GL, I thought you were straight.
Food's good at Gray's, though...and I like guys in wigs....also like the Armada-esque look of real wood in dining hall. I expect you to be mainly sober when I see you today--even though it will be late: 1 PM. I will becoming from Jewry St to Marble Arch and will be tense from my meeting.... Can you do something about the servers at GI? Could they be prettier? Nicer? Richer?
Posted by: Dan Hull at September 1, 2008 02:31 AM
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