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June 14, 2008
Did you have a bad week?
We understand that, in old Rome, witches gathered in groups of 12--and a 13th was believed to be the devil. The ancient world also liked executions to take place on Friday. And that's just a tiny part of the old lore on why yesterday, Friday the 13th, is unlucky in many cultures. Well, I did have a bad week--e.g., my boss and co-blogger (who incidentally really does have a Hull McGuire employee ID# of 666) was even moodier than usual, I ran out of my good Irish whiskey by Thursday, and by mistake I threw away a waitress's phone number on the napkin she gave me--and so it was appropriate it all ended Friday the 13th. Good riddens.
Posted by Holden Oliver (Kitzbühel Desk) at June 14, 2008 12:13 AM
How is it the Sick Satan or Devil worshipers going to steal the pentagram and use it in the wrong way? If any of you knew about half of what you were talking about, well then you would know that Witchcraft/Wicca/Pagan does not believe in the Devil. How can you worship something that you don't believe in? Also, Witchcraft happens to be a very beautiful, loving, religion. Besides that, there is no mortal on this Earth who educated enough to tell us which way is the right or wrong way to believe in our higher power. If you think about it, we are all worshiping the same thing, just in different way. We as people are individuals and because we are individuals we all see things differently. Due to this, this is why we all worship our higher spiritual power differently. Quit mocking Wicca, educate yourself.
Posted by: Danielle Dyer at March 4, 2011 06:36 PM