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January 29, 2008
Street Fight: "Oh, now you've Kennedy-ed me....I'm shrinking".
Or, "Senator Obama, we knew Jack Kennedy, and you, Senator, are--well, dude, you were two-years-old...."
But that really does hurt, HRC, and we feel your pain. But Uncle Ted, Joe Jr., Caroline--that's dirty touch football, sports! With certain voter groups--including many in the "50+ over-educated guilty white liberal people" block--Kennedy endorsements cannot be trumped. Ouch! But misty-eyed we-shall-overcome Leary-lovin' Mailer-readin' baby-boomer old white liberal that WAC? is, the Truth is that Hillary Clinton is 10 times more prepared and qualified to become president than Obama is. Hands down. Still, ouch. This is a street thing now, my fresh-faced friend. An Irish thing. Whiskey! Hit us again! Another. Another. Turn your glasses over. We got the sand now--and we be most game for ya'. Begin the new age, new frontier epic battle: Boston Lace-Curtain Irish v. Chicago Little Rock-Bubba Protestants.
Anyway, Irish up by one...
WASHINGTON (AP) Two generations of Kennedys - the Democratic Party's best known political family - endorsed Barack Obama for president on Monday, with Sen. Edward M. Kennedy calling him a "man with extraordinary gifts of leadership and character," a worthy heir to his assassinated brother.
"I feel change in the air," Kennedy said in remarks salted with scarcely veiled criticism of Obama's chief rival for the nomination, Sen. Hillary Rodham Clinton, as well as her husband, the former president.
"I have marveled at his grit and grace," he said of the man a full generation younger than he is.
Query: Can the nearly 60-year-old Kennedy machine still write, or what?
Photo: ABC News.
Posted by Holden Oliver (Kitzbühel Desk) at January 29, 2008 05:42 PM
was that english? what's going on?
Posted by: CK at January 29, 2008 04:41 PM
Just venting--overworked here. Can write in Welsh if you like...
Posted by: Holden at January 29, 2008 06:31 PM
Hillary's "10 times more experience" comes from....being the first lady of a philandering president? Or not substantively doing much in the Senate? Maybe it comes from her support of GWB's policies, that she was for before she was against.
Is her experience getting her retarded husband to do her campaigning for her? Oh I know, maybe it was her calling one of our nation's most celebrated military generals, David Petraeus, a liar?
Yeah, that's exactly the kind of candidate we need.
Posted by: Wikilaw at January 29, 2008 11:06 PM
this is terrible
Posted by: bart at January 30, 2008 03:22 AM
Any truth to the rumor that Obama offered Ted the VP slot in exchange for the endorsement?
Posted by: Anon at January 30, 2008 08:27 AM
Obama is more experienced than Clinton by any objective measure.
Posted by: jock@law at January 31, 2008 12:40 PM
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