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October 01, 2007
Do BigClients need BigLaw more than 10% of the time?
It's here, from September 2006, and a favorite post of ours. The piece is pro-BigLaw (over 1,000 lawyers), but lawyers and their marketing people connected with all sorts of firms--mega-big, large, medium and tiny--can find something they don't like about it. The point is this: 90% of the important corporate legal work being done right now by firms between 150 and 3000 lawyers can be done by boutiques and smaller firms. If it has the
right people, your firm can land Fortune 500 companies and keep them. And don't forget to maintain or raise your rates. Competing on price for higher-end work is for chumps and will only hurt you in both marketing and client retention. Remember, in this "model", your lawyers and services/products are first-rate, and your client service is superior. So find out what the "BigLaw" rate is--and match or exceed it.
Posted by JD Hull at October 1, 2007 10:50 PM