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September 02, 2007

Love's Labours Lost

The complete text of the circa-1595 comedy by William Shakespeare is here on one page. First performed before Queen Elizabeth at her Court in 1597 (as "Loues Labors Loſt"), it was likely written for performance before law students and barristers-in-training--who would appreciate its sophistication and wit--at the Inns of Court in what is now often called Legal London. Interestingly, it begins with a vow by several men to forswear pleasures of the flesh and the company of women during a three-year period of study and reflection. And to "train our intellects to vain delight". Click above to find out what happens.

Posted by JD Hull at September 2, 2007 04:49 PM


Nothing has changed, Dan... law students, these days, have to work hard.. It is very competitive in London. Hardly a drop passes their lips, apparently.

On the other hand, those who have joined the profession are doing some truly bizarre things - as I have reported recently on my blog.


trust you are well.

I am now drinking some holy water and seeking redemption of the soul...

Posted by: Charon QC at September 2, 2007 10:03 AM

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