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September 10, 2007

"Never write a letter, never throw one away."

Off-topic, and not. For reasons which go back to 1974, WAC? misses Dr. Thompson. See this Charlie Rose interview, undated, but likely about 1997.

Posted by Holden Oliver at September 10, 2007 06:30 PM


Wow. The photographs are fantastic. I never appreciated that he was such a good photographer. But without making enquiries, bet these prints are now very expensive.

As for letter writing: prior to the rise of email I used to be a compulsive letter writer, and now I'm a compulsive emailer. But sadly I fear my emails are not as well composed and will not be kept. Maybe theres an argument to going back to writing letters to friends.

Posted by: Ruthie at September 11, 2007 03:00 PM

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