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March 04, 2007

3-party system: accept, evolve--or just smoke a Marlboro?

No child ever wrote to Santa, "Bring me, and a bunch of kids I've never met, a pony, and we'll share."

Politics, the art of controlling one's environment, is still important to me. For years I worked and/or raised money for candidates of the Democratic and Republican parties, and now I've grown very weary of the whole thing. But I still love author and humorist P.J. O'Rourke--for years Rolling Stone magazine's "Republican" counterweight to Hunter S. Thompson--who wrote the above in "Why I Am a Conservative in the First Place", RS (July 13-27, 1995). P.J.'s got a point--and it's a good place to start all political conversations. Human selfishness and willfulness is an old, old verity.

Posted by JD Hull at March 4, 2007 05:19 PM


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