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December 31, 2006
Our Favorite Non-U.S. Blogs and....
WAC? is a relatively new blog by practicing lawyers who are busy, a bit cranky, and very happy, thank you, just lawyering. We view "What About Clients?" as a real-time way to convey ideas and experiences--about client service, our new services economy-based world, and international corporate law and litigation--as they occur to us and we experience them every day.
We don't pretend to monitor and evaluate the entire blawgosphere. We are more than lucky to have won a 2006 Blawg Review award (for "Global Perspective"), our first full year of blogging, in view of the increase in quality blogs originating from or about jurisdictions and places other than the US. But we do have some favorite non-US blogs--again, legal weblogs from or about non-US jurisdictions--which in some cases seem to have been left out of mention in recent awards by more experienced and established bloggers, awarders and/or a few insular cyber-dweebs both in and out of the U.S.
So here, in no particular order, are the active and promising non-US blawgs (all in English or available in same) we strongly recommend--and recommend whether we "like" the bloggers and/or their politics and ideas. We could care less, and we aren't buds with any of these people--our suggestions are based on merit alone. These 27 "global" (well, maybe "global" to you if you're an American) blogs have real substance and promise, and that they expand and add to the Conversation about law and business:
There are hundreds of great non-US blawgs in English--most of which you can access through the above list--so we've certainly missed some. Send us your discoveries of strong and active non-US blawgs. We'll add them to this list or to our ever-growing list of non-US blawgs and blogs in the left-hand column of this site.
Posted by Tom Welshonce at December 31, 2006 11:21 PM
First off, thanks for putting me first on the list, convincing me anyway, that there was a very particular order to your list. I have one addition: Craig Maginnes's blog, Going Global. The guy is flat out very insightful on international business and law. Here's the link to his blog: http://exinglobal.typepad.com.
Posted by: China Law Blog at December 27, 2006 10:22 PM
What about me?
I'm hardcore. Even the SEC have dipped into my blog - Google Analytics told me they'd been checking me out (see http://corporatelawuk.typepad.com/corporate_blawg/capital_markets/index.html).
Posted by: Corporate Blawg UK at December 28, 2006 06:36 AM
Hey guys
Thanks for the mention! I really appreciate it! I wish you all the very best for 2007 and look forward to your posts in the new year.
Posted by: Paul Jacobson at December 30, 2006 11:07 PM
Thanks, guys. A great list to be on. We Slawyers much appreciate it.
Posted by: Simon Fodden at December 31, 2006 01:15 PM