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July 30, 2006
Blawg Review #68: Blachman is Everywhere--More Power to Him.
Jeremy Blachman is out early with Blawg Review #68. His new, much-discussed and apparently funny-as-hell book Anonymous Lawyer makes me happy even though I haven't read it yet. Here's an overachiever who's about to get rich and famous satirizing a class of overachievers--lawyers--who in real life are 10 times worse than the jokes about them. A happy thought. The ultimate. We stand in awe and envy. And, from what I've heard about the book, AL will do more to focus light on anti-client attitudes, lawyer-centric behavior and bad client service than this blog will ever do. Thanks, Sir Jeremy. J. Daniel Hull
Posted by JD Hull at July 30, 2006 08:52 PM
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