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May 04, 2006
Performance Reviews Based On Client Service Criteria?
And why not? At least once a year each employee at our firm is evaluated in a process in which written evaluations are delivered, followed by a meeting with comments, questions and gripes. It's 2-way process, too. "They" (associates and support staff) get to evaluate "us" (partners and senior lawyers), and then talk about it. It works well. We've followed this procedure for 5 years. However, starting this year, our evaluations will also be tied to the "12 Client Service Rules" which we set out in this blog as an off-shoot of our firm practice guide and completed in early April. We talk about real service every single day, almost as if it were a substantive area of law practice. It's a running conversation. But if you are serious about building and keeping a "client service culture" at Hull McGuire, we need to underscore them in every performance review.
Posted by JD Hull at May 4, 2006 07:29 AM
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