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December 03, 2017

What happened to discourse?

From a Facebook post this morning by me:

I’m a long-time (now-ex) moderate Dem who did not vote for Trump but recently registered GOP for reasons—I’ve never liked unions or our unthinking PC ‘parrot’ culture & love free speech—unrelated to Trump. But I’ve applauded Trump’s entry onto the world stage since he announced for POTUS in June 2015 because I think that—long term—he is a refreshing, productive & badly-needed influence, especially on free speech. I’m amazed at the cost of this subtle shift. Before entering private practice, I worked on Capitol Hill for 4 years for both GOP & Dem MOCs (liberal D Senator & conservative R Congressman); folks well know this. My politics really haven’t changed much. But my publicly-open willingness to at least listen to Trump is apparently costing me countless friendships or prevents the continuance of developing relationships. I’m stunned. Am fortunate to be well-educated, well-read & well-traveled. I engage & talk to Everyone. Board rooms & the grittiest city streets. I’ve always had friends all over the cultural political landscape & spectrum. It makes life fuller. I do hope some of them come back or begin to mend.


Posted by JD Hull at December 3, 2017 10:27 AM


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