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February 22, 2016
My Friday Night at SCOTUS
Am not a fan of most key AGS decisions; I'm a switch hitter as a voter but generally vote Dem for POTUS. Scalia was a very great man, lawyer and judge. His SCOTUS career began my first year of practice. On Friday night I spent 2.5 hours near, at or in SCOTUS building at 1st and E. Capitol streets NE to view his casket. All manner of people demographically, sexually, racially and age-wise but mainly DC locals stood in the cold in a line that stretched south down 1st Street and then east down E. Capitol and even past 4th Steet in residential Capitol Hill. Viewing was originally supposed to close at 8 pm but was expanded at least twice to accommodate the lines. I got there at 7:30 pm and left the building a little after 10:00 pm with the lines still building. Amazing. Moving. GIad I attended. Honored to be there.
Scalia Law Clerks at 1 First Street, N.E. Friday, February 19, 2016
Posted by JD Hull at February 22, 2016 02:41 PM
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