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December 24, 2011
Even at Christmas, Mother Russia Screams Like a Banshee.
More attitude, more outrage, and it's continuous and fearless. You think OWS protesters have moxie? Well, lots of them do. But consider Mom and Pop Russia over the past two weeks. Don't ignore this history being made--and what it might mean to any nation: a super-power, a comer or a tiny new unknown. Even at Christmas, there is increasing pressure on Prime Minister Vladimir Putin and the Russian government from its traditionally reticent citizenry to re-do the December 4 elections. See MSNBC's 'Russia will be free'.
The protests reflect a growing public frustration with Putin, who ruled Russia as president in 2000-2008 and has remained the No. 1 leader after moving into the prime minister's seat due to a constitutional term limit. Brazen fraud in the parliamentary vote unexpectedly energized the middle class, which for years had been politically apathetic.
A protester today in Vladivostok.
Posted by JD Hull at December 24, 2011 11:59 PM
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