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June 17, 2011
Say Cheese, Guys: Rep. Weiner, Close Friend Say Goodbye.
Good call, finally. See in yesterday's The Economist "So Ends A Cocky Tale". Excerpt:
As his congressional colleagues distanced themselves and others called for his resignation, some liberals pushed for him to stay. They have not been defending his despicable behaviour, but his political reputation.
He was, to be fair, a tireless advocate for liberal causes. He defended Obamacare when few others did, and went to bat for NPR when its funding was challenged. He enjoyed verbally jousting with Republicans, and he was good at it. His impressive oratory was the initial draw for at least a few of his online pen pals.
Posted by JD Hull at June 17, 2011 10:43 PM
Yes. Even our post title was bloody bad, cheesy.
Posted by: Holden Oliver (Kitzbühel Desk) at June 18, 2011 02:23 PM
Maybe now the Post will stop with all the Weiner pun headlines.
Posted by: Joe at June 17, 2011 03:15 PM
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