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August 27, 2011
Why You Shouldn't Always Text Baby Boomers.
Note to Gen-X and Gen-Y Guys: We know that you do whatever your women tell you to do--and that they like to text. But start using the phone instead. Step up and grow a pair. Call.
Texting is no longer completely cool because it's, well, Way-Poofy, plus:
1. Gadgety yet Highly Inefficient.
2. Slow.
3. Prone to Be Misunderstood.
4. Impersonal. Bordering on Rude.
5. Passive-Aggressive in the Extreme.
6. Dripping in Docility.
7. Completely and Off-The-Charts ShowTunes.
Pick up the phone and call us instead. Note to Gen-X and Gen-Y Guys: We know that you do whatever your women tell you to do--and that they like to text. But start using the phone for what phones used to be designed for. Call. Step up. Grow a pair. We know you you can do it!
Hunter? He texted when it was too noisy to talk.
Posted by JD Hull at August 27, 2011 12:59 AM
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