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July 25, 2010

Biotech expert Scott McPherson joins Hull McGuire.

As reported earlier this month by Doug Sherwin in the San Diego Daily Transcript:

McPherson joins Hull McGuire as special counsel

Scott E. McPherson, a respected San Diego biotech specialist and patent attorney, joined Hull McGuire PC as special counsel, effective June 1.

He will work with shareholder Julie McGuire on IP management and transactions in North America and Europe.

McPherson has a B.A. in biology from the University of California-San Diego, and an M.S.P.H. in toxicology from the San Diego State Graduate School of Public Health. Between 1990 and 1999, he worked as a pharmacologist and toxicologist in the biotechnology industry.

He has worked as in-house counsel for Nanogen Inc. and as an attorney for DLA Piper and Townsend Townsend & Crew.

McPherson's work for Hull McGuire clients will include searches and opinions on freedom to operate; opinions on invalidity; management and evaluation; and some patent prosecution.

He also is expected to assist Dan Hull with clean water and solid waste issues in the U.S. and the European Union, and environmental law legislative projects in Washington, D.C.

--Doug Sherwin, The Daily Transcript


Posted by Holden Oliver (Kitzbühel Desk) at July 25, 2010 12:36 AM


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