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July 05, 2009
Palin: Still a Robo-Babe.
Way cute when she's mad.
And still a great political property. Don't write her off. Now you've all done it. She's really mad. And outside the cabin. See Joan Walsh's "Sarah Palin Resigning as Alaska Governor" at Salon.com. This is a fine-looking, energetic and feisty American woman. And in the Yank outlaw mold. We need a Sarah. Especially since--as Holden Oliver noted back in February--the French started getting all the good Anchorettes. Palin still married to that former First Dude guy?
Posted by Rob Bodine at July 5, 2009 06:41 AM
Hey Chuck--Only another lawyer could find anything about this humble blog "rebellious".
Palin worship. It's not me; it's co-writer Rob Bodine. Big "R"--like Julie McGuire.
I am still holding out for Sarah Silverman, Parker Posey, or Ellen Bry--whichever is first with a Happy July 4th call.
Posted by: Hull at July 5, 2009 01:46 AM
So, the rebellious mind has a beauty queen?
Posted by: Chuck Newton at July 5, 2009 12:02 AM
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