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April 20, 2009

Is Obama making some Americans go nuts?

Brit wits want to know. Whatever the ailment, it must be dicier than jetlag, and more contagious. We've noticed it, too. On television, at least one conservative talking head per day has blown a tube on the air; it started two weeks ago, right around the time Obama started getting on planes. What gives? WAC? voted for John McCain--but he (WAC?, or McCain for that matter) is not crazy from the loss. The Economist, too, wonders about "The Obama Derangement Syndrome":

Mr Obama may be widely admired both at home and abroad. But there are millions of Americans who do not like the cut of his jib—and a few whose dislike boils over into white-hot hatred.... The internet crackles with comparisons between Mr Obama and various dictators (Hitler, Stalin and Mussolini) or assorted psychotics (Charles Manson and David Koresh).

Posted by Holden Oliver (Kitzbühel Desk) at April 20, 2009 11:59 PM


That's a shoddily constructed strawman, Casey.

Posted by: Benedick at April 21, 2009 02:04 PM

Please also note, that many of who currently suffer from Obama Derangement Syndrome, previously suffered from Bush Derangement Syndrome. There's nothing more subversive in American political discourse today than advocates of peace and liberty. If you're not for obliteration bombing of the Middle East, nor for salvation by Leviathan by any means necessary (torture), you tend to get branded a lunatic, a wacko, and ironically a racist. We kinda take heart to HL Mencken's observation that "Every decent man is ashamed of the government he lives under."

Posted by: Casey Khan at April 20, 2009 11:48 AM

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