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April 08, 2009
Query: How many law students does it take to read a newspaper?
Clueless in America. When WAC? was just 25-years-old, he was already a brilliant securities lawyer, independently wealthy, and a leading expert on: (1) law firm economics and management, and (2) working with clients in global markets. And so were all his friends. Well, weren't you? Hey, it could happen. And monkeys could fly out of your wazoo.
Anyway, the National Law Journal on April 7 reported that: "Despite Decimated Job Market, Top Law Students Gather to Further Goal of Changing Big Law Firms". Excerpt:
The goal of Building a Better Legal Profession (BBLP) [the student group] is to create collective action among students and associates from top schools to prod large law firms to implement what it says are significant changes needed in billable hour requirements, diversity and the commitment to pro bono work. Their hope is that students and associates from the best schools will not accept jobs at firms that do not change their ways.
Available only in ladies lightweight at Famous Forever.
Posted by Holden Oliver (Kitzbühel Desk) at April 8, 2009 11:59 PM
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